田高 Takou 稔 Minoru
Tokyo港区六本木三丁目2番1号 住友不動産六本木グランドタワー 37F BASE株式会社
Address for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding 書肆田高.
This phone number has been confirmed as valid and accurate.
〒116-0013 荒川区西日暮里4-21-7 コート池上104 書肆田髙 (しょしたこう)
TEL・FAX :03-5842-1552
東京公安委員会許可 第306661505753号
Shoshi Takou
104, Court Ikegami, 4-21-7 Nishinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan
tel/fax : 03-5842-1552
mail : info@shoshitakou.com
The selling price shall be the amount indicated (indicated price / consumption tax included).
Payment method: Credit card payment is accepted. Payment is finalized at the time of order confirmation.
Post pay(Pay ID):
・ Convenience store: Pay on the 10th of the month following purchase: Payment service fee: 350 JPY (tax included)
・ Bank account transfer: Debited account by the 27th of the following month : Payment service fee: Free
We ship on the evening of the following Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday after your order is placed.